St Piran's PTA

Friends of St Piran's PTA

Dear new and seasoned St Piran's parents,

Now that spring is in full swing and restrictions are about to ease even further, the Friends of St Piran's would like to come out of their forced hibernation.

You might have heard of our legendary Ceilidh/Barn Dance, our seasonal fairs, movie nights, discos, the annual Trivia Quiz and unforgettable experiences and games, such as "Splat the Rat", throwing wet sponges at teachers, the "Adult Tombola" and the ever-popular children's chocolate tombola.

Covid took this from us and it has been quite a while since we were able to come together other than trying to stay six feet apart at pick-up time.
For some children and parents, these spectacular events, which used to form an integral part of St Piran's Life, might be a legend or a faint memory, while others still wonder whatever happened to that unwanted bottle of Raki, or whose classroom the sponge had come from and where it went afterwards.

We can't wait to get to know you and we are always looking for new members, helping hands, fresh ideas and input.
We have therefore prepared a quick survey to put out feelers and gauge what interest there is. Please follow the link below to complete the survey.

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