Additional Support

Additional Support

A school should do more than just teach. This is why we have a range of extracurricular activities and services.

Support Tutoring

Pupils are offered additional support in a number of ways. Our Teaching Assistant, Mrs Debbie Burrows, supports pupils in the classroom setting, working with individuals to develop their independent learning.

Curriculum Focus Weeks

At various points in the school year, we have a curriculum focus week when the spotlight falls on a particular subject, or area of the curriculum. We explore one aspect of the subject in depth, for example for our PSHE Week we explored Fair Trade as a theme: visiting local supermarkets, inviting speakers into school,designing tee-shirts with a fair trade message and selling fair trade items in the school tuck shop.


In the Spring Term we held a Science Week and most recently, in the week of Shakespeare's birthday, we explored his life and work for English Curriculum week. Nursery pupils drew fairies, while Year 2 recited witches incantations from "The Scottish Play". Insults were hurled in Shakespearean fashion and boys donned dresses to perform "Pyramus and Thisbe" from A Midsummer Night's Dream.


In the second half of the Summer Term we have enjoyed an Art Focus week with a theme of The Environment. A mermaid, surely an integral part of the Cornish environment, has appeared outside the ICT suite and various surf and sea related design projects are underway.

Work Experience

Work experience for Year 10 pupils takes place in the Summer Term and placements are arranged earlier in the year to afford our students the best opportunities to experience the world of work. Placements may offer an insight into a future career and define the pathway through further education and training. Equally the experience may alter a pupil's view of a particular occupation and open different perspectives on the future.

Past pupils have undertaken a wide range of activities including training with the Royal Marines, assisting in a bridal shop and working in a dental practice. The work experience co-ordinator visits all of the pupils on their placements within the county and works with parents and employers to achieve a positive experience for the employer and the temporary employee.


Year 10 pupils return to school with an increased sense of responsibility, greater confidence and a clearer view of what the future offers. We receive a lot of positive comments from employers and feel that the experience fosters our links with the community in the best possible way.

Field Trips

Excursions, such as to museums for History and to the countryside for Geography, help support the learning process and connect theory with practice, allowing our students to experience the practical relevance of what they have been taught.

Seahorses After School Club

Seahorses is our after school club for pupils from the Reception Class to Year 6. The club is open from 3.45 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. and it offers busy parents the opportunity to extend their working day at a reasonable cost.


Seahorses offers a range of activities such as Lego, DVD's, board games and creative activities for the first session up until 4.30 p.m. with the second session running until 5.00p.m. and offering quieter activities such as reading and homework supervision.

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